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Business Development Sales – Rail

TÜV Rheinland Romania is looking for a new colleague for the role of Business Development Sales – Rail, to join our team.

He/she shall, identify and develop business opportunities within Romania rail industry, gain and maintain extensive knowledge of current market conditions and increase sales opportunities.


  • Doing market analysis (desktop), and preparing reports
  • Gather informative data about rail industry and market trends (desktop), including competitive intelligence
  • Identify target persons within customers organization, get in contact (email, call), identify particular needs of individual clients; plan and implement sales activities for relevant services and projects; documentation of activities via CRM-tool (Salesforce®)
  • Prepare market material dedicated to local market (flyers translations, homepage input)
  • Prepare visits to potential customers (individual marketing material, presentation slides, travel organization), also attend visits together with experts
  • Support experts with the further development of particular business opportunities (tender procedures, bid production)
  • Support project delivery


  • Bachelor’s or Master degree in Railway Engineering, or equivalent
  • At least 5 year work experience in Rail industry
  • Advanced level of English
  • Independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent communication, presentation, teamwork and interpersonal skills

If you want to get an overview about TÜV Rheinland in Rail, please have a look at

  • Despre noi
    În România, din 1998 și-a început activitatea o reprezentanță a TÜV Rheinland International, care în 2000 a devenit filială a TÜV Rheinland Berlin-Brandenburg. Din 2005, această filială funcționează sub numele de TÜV Rheinland România SRL.
  • Parteneri și colaboratori
    Parteneri și colaboratori TÜV Rheinland Romania.
  • Posturi vacante
    Printre angajații noștri se numără ingineri cu calificări înalte, oameni de știință, economiști, medici, specialiști IT și formatori. Datorită acestora, clienții noștri au certitudinea faptului că se pot baza pe TÜV Rheinland.